Research & Development Research & Development

Greater knowledge leads to greater insight and ultimately to improvements and innovations that enable us to serve consumers even better.

Research & Development

Breast-feeding is the best option for babies. When breast-feeding is not sufficient or impossible, it is important to have access to high-quality infant formula. Ausnutria provides safe, high-quality and scientifically based infant formula. Our R&D department works on composing and further optimising our products daily.

The department consists of three teams:

  • The Product Formulation team translates the wishes of our customers and market requirements into product concepts and is responsible for ensuring that the latest insights into nutrition and the effects of nutrition are applied in actual practice.
  • The Nutrition Research team is constantly looking for new knowledge about the nutritional needs of babies and toddlers. This expertise is crucial for developing products on the basis of sound scientific insights.
  • The Process Research team applies our dairy processing expertise for the purpose of making optimal use of the various milk flows and of the milk's natural composition.

Our research teams in the Netherlands closely work together with scientists, research institutes and universities throughout the world. Because the challenges we are facing are of a multidisciplinary nature, we work together with experts in various professions. Our cooperative arrangements take on various forms, ranging from joint research and the development of new technologies to the acquisition of expert advice in cooperation with a Scientific Board. This Board consists of an international team of globally recognised experts from different scientific disciplines.

We bring the knowledge and the latest scientific insights we gain together within Ausnutria Nutrition Institute. Find out more on the Institute's website.