Our history
With over 125 years of experience in dairy and more than 70 years of experience in the development and production of infant formula, Ausnutria manufactures tailor made infant nutrition for customers around the world. In addition, Ausnutria supports the growth and development of babies and children by offering its own premium infant formula brands: Kabrita, Hyproca 1897 & Allnutria.
Establishment of dairy factory in Ommen
Our oldest factory dates back to 1897, when it was founded by Mr. Kramer. The factory is named “de Vechtstreek”, a name still proudly worn by the company premises. It was the first factory with complete and continuously operating butter making facilities. As milk production grew in the Netherlands, the factory was expanded and extra activities added. Milk powder has been produced in Ommen since 1928.
Establishment Van Heel Condensed Milk Company
The origin of the factory in Kampen dates back to 1903, when it is established as the Van Heel Condensed Milk Company. At that time, the factory was situated at a different location: on Kampereiland. The factory was mainly producing condensed milk products.
Start "Lijempf" era
Our factory in Leeuwarden was founded in 1912, under the name Lijempf (Leeuwarder IJs and Melkproducten Fabriek). At that time, our factory in Leeuwarden is the headquarters of the Lijempf group, a company that in its heyday consisted of about 19 affiliated dairy factories. In 1943 also Van Heel in Kampen became part of the Lijempf group.
Lijempf is acquired by Royal Wessanen
In 1973, Lijempf was taken over by Royal Wessanen, and from that point on concentrated more and more on the export of infant formula under a.o. the Bebelac brand name. As the number of international contacts increased, the factory name was changed to Lyempf.
Lyempf is acquired by Nutricia
In 1993, Lyempf was taken over by food group Nutricia. At that time, Lyempf mainly produced infant formula and a number of special powders and ice cream mixes. In 1993, 50 people worked in Leeuwarden and 125 in Kampen.
Lyempf sells its production site in Leeuwarden
In 1995 the Lyempf packaging factory in Leeuwarden (where infant formula is mixed and packaged) becomes independent of Nutricia. This factory continues under the name Lypack.
The factory in Ommen is acquired by the Hyproca Group
In 1996 the Hyproca Group buys the factory in Ommen: the first link in the entire production chain for infant and toddler nutrition that the group will control five years later.
The factory in Leeuwarden is acquired by the Hyproca Group
The Hyproca Group becomes the owner of Lypack in 1999, which means that the process for packaging infant formula comes under its own control.
The Hyproca Group takes over the Kabrita & CBM brands
In 2008, the Hyproca Group becomes the owner of the Kabrita and CBM brands, and, in addition to cow’s milk, also becomes active in goat’s milk. As a result, the Hyproca Group no longer produces for third parties only, but also carries its own brands.
Cooperation between the Hyproca Group and Ausnutria starts and the factory in Kampen is acquired
In 2011 the Hyproca Group start its partnership with Ausnutria. The company name of the Dutch organization (the Hyproca Group) changes to Ausnutria Hyproca and Ausnutria Hyproca becomes part of Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd. located in Hong Kong. The same year the factory in Kampen is taken over. The former Lyempf factories (Kampen & Leeuwarden) are reunited.
Ausnutria Hyproca increases access to high quality milk from the Netherlands
In 2014 Holland Goat Milk B.V., the subsidiary of Ausnutria Hyproca that is responsible for the collection of its goat’s milk, merges with Sanimèl. The companies continue together with a total of 50 affiliated goat farmers. The same year, Ausnutria Hyproca takes a stake in Farmel Dairy B.V. to secure the future supply of cow’s milk from the Netherlands.
The company in the Netherlands moves to a centralized headquarters
The company in the Netherlands continues to grow. To strengthen the organization, Ausnutria Hyproca in 2016 decides to centralize its Dutch headquarters and to relocate from Almelo and Heerenveen to Zwolle.
The new production site in Heerenveen starts production
After a long and intensive construction period, the new production location in Heerenveen starts producing end of 2017.
Ausnutria Hyproca changes its name to Ausnutria
For more unity and better recognition and positioning of the organization in the market, Ausnutria Hyproca in 2018 changes its name to Ausnutria. The name change is accompanied by a logo change. At that time, Ausnutria is already the leading name of its sister and mother organization in China, where it is a well-known name in the baby and child nutrition industry. The organization continues together with one name, building worldwide brand awareness.
Ausnutria opens office in Mexico
With sales offices and distributors in a.i. Europe, Russia, the Middle East, China and the United States, Ausnutria is working on the worldwide availability of its products. Kabrita in particular, is a rapidly growing international brand. In 2019 Ausnutria opens a new international sales office in Mexico.
Ausnutria launches research initiative Ausnutria Nutrition Institute
Ausnutria Nutrition Institute is launched. The Institute aims to provide and share expert insights into the science of infant nutrition and the nutritional composition of goat milk. Therefore, the Ausnutria Nutrition Institute collaborates and connects with health & nutrition experts to advance science and to further educate professionals.
Ausnutria and Trivium Packaging open can manufacturing plant in Heerenveen
The onsite can manufacturing plant in Heerenveen becomes operational. A joint success of Ausnutria and Trivium Packaging. This 10,000m² large factory, is equipped with state-of-the-art machines and offers an integrated production process for the production of cans and the packaging of infant formula. This means that it is integrated with the Ausnutria factories on the site in Heerenveen.
Ausnutria opens research hub at Wageningen Campus
Ausnutria opens its own branch on the Wageningen University Campus: as the hotspot for innovation and knowledge sharing in the field of nutrition and health.
Ausnutria sustainable drying tower becomes operational
Ausutria’s new & sustainable drying tower will become operational at the end of 2024. The new drying tower will soon form an integrated and sustainable process for the production of base powder for infant formula.