Placing drying tower new factory Ausnutria Heerenveen Placing drying tower new factory Ausnutria Heerenveen

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Placing drying tower new factory Ausnutria Heerenveen


Tuesday 18 October, Ausnutria reached a milestone in the construction of its new factory in Heerenveen. On that day, a large part of the new drying tower was placed into the more than 40 meter high building.

Transport took place by water, from producer Kuipers in Woudsend via Terherne over the Sneekermeer (lake) to Heerenveen and then by road to our production site in Heerenveen. An impressive logistics operation. Just as impressive was the moment when the parts were lifted up and into the tower. A special thanks to producer of the tower Kuipers Woudsend BV, Mammoet responsible for transportation and placing the tower in the building and of course all the colleagues and team members of the project group who are making this all possible. The whole process is beautifully captured in this video created by Jan Slump (SlumpMedia). See video below.